Climate Change as a Threat against International Peace and Security



<p align="justify">Following the evolution in the concept of peace and security, UN Security Council has considered climate change as a threat against international peace and security since 2007 in its 5663 meetings. The consequences of the climate change will vary around the world. Some countries may encounter severe storms and floods resulted from melting of polar ice caps while others may face droughts. Increasing earth temperature which is one of the most important consequences of climate change endangers human security and life especially in the developing countries. It also exacerbates social and economic poverty and finally results in international and non-international conflicts. Also, there are some hot places in the world which are likely to be the main victims of these changes but the effects would threaten all nations. This article, explaining national and international consequences of climate change, tends to consider the relationship between these changes and international peace and security in light of different state observations in Security Council’s meetings.
