The Usages of Military Nanotechnology in Light of International Humanitarian Law

Document Type : academic



Military Nanotechnology is defined as one of the new technologies present in armed conflict areas. Although the basic philosophy of nanotechnology development in military industries was set up for urban combat, gradually its cumulative effect on all aspects of military science and industries has enabled us to understand military nanotechnology in all types of armed conflicts. No doubt, the development of military nanotechnology in the past years has led to major casualties to civilians and civilian targets that the observance of international humanitarian law seems inevitable. However, there are major challenges and gaps such as how to adjust certain principles of international humanitarian law with military nanotechnology in armed conflicts or whether there are relevant rules in international law for limiting the use of military nanotechnology. The conclusion of the current study shows that although there isn’t any certain international convention in the field of military nanotechnology in armed conflict situations, but at the one hand, it is possible to develop principles of international humanitarian law such as the principle of distinction between combatant and non-combatant, the principle of causing serious damage to the natural environment, principle on unnecessary suffering and on the other hand, by relying on voluntary limitation, proactive control and soft law, we can regulate the military nanotechnology in armed conflict situations and consequently we can see a greater respect of international humanitarian law among States.  


  • الف) فارسی

    ـ کتاب

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